Trials Arrangements
Official Trials before Racing Weigh in from @6 to 6.20pm
Must be booked
After Racing Official & Privates Available But Must be booked
Official Trials 12pm weigh in 11.30am
Privates 11am-12pm 12.30pm-1.30pm
Hurdle on request
Morning trials 10am-11.30am
Hurdle on request
Private trials 9am-11am
Hurdle on request
Please note that arriving late to trials is not acceptable.
Trial Prices
€5 per dog Private
1 dog free if trial 5 or more
2 dogs free if trial 10 or more
Private trials after racing are €10 per trial regardless of how man dogs in it 1-6.
Qualifying Trials €5 per dog no discount
All trials are to be paid for in weigh room and staff member will allocate a number
New procedures on entry gate
Prices of Admission
Adult €8
Student – Oap €5
Note anyone who does not have a valid oap or student card will not get a concession. The gates will not be open till 7pm for racing.
Entry to Stadium with a greyhound
Entry into the stadium is one a one man per dog basis only people who are
Authorised kennel hands to the owner/trainer will be permitted free with dogs. The
Handing of dogs outside the gate to 3rd parties in order to gain free entry is strictly prohibited and will be addressed with the persons involved.