Ian Fortune

    In these times when greyhound racing has come in for so much unfair criticism, the decision of Greyhound Racing Ireland to roll out a full traceability system must be applauded.

    At first it sounded like an ambitious task but the app is now ready for release.

    Initial reports suggest it is very straightforward and functional, which given the importance of its success, is very encouraging. I understand how some involved in the sport would be apprehensive about using it, given their limited knowledge of technology, but the developers have taken this into account and made the system as easy to use as possible.

    Greyhound Racing Ireland will also be providing plenty of help and backup for those that have any problems or enquiries about the app so I urge everyone with a greyhound to get involved. If we can account for every greyhound in our care, it cuts off many of the scurrilous claims being made in certain quarters.  

    As we speak the next phase is being rolled out with usernames and passwords being issued to owners and trainers throughout the land to facilitate access to the system. This will continue for the next few weeks and full compliance is the ultimate aim.

    This is a big step for the sport but, if successful, it should ensure a bright future so make sure to do your part. Please download the app, login and let’s ensure that our wonderful sport can thrive in the coming years.  

    All the details needed can be found below including a very handy FAQ section:

    Rásaíocht Con Éireann (RCÉ) is proceeding to the next phase of rollout of the traceability system with the issuing of username and passwords to the first cohort of owners/trainers to facilitate access to the system.

    The system will be released to owners and trainers on a phased basis during January 2021. Each owner/trainer will be communicated with at the appropriate time with their username and password for the system. Correspondence will issue by email where these details have been provided.

    RCÉ emphasise that it is essential that all members of the greyhound community who are involved in the ownership or training of greyhounds would register their contact details i.e. email and phone number with RCÉ. This will facilitate the issue of a username and password for the traceability system. These details can be provided to the Traceability Help Desk on 061 448120 or on

    RCÉTS is a critical element of the regulatory framework for the greyhound industry and it is extremely important that data input to the system by owners and trainers is of the highest standard and provides all necessary detail.

    RCÉ will be monitoring data entries to the system to ensure the completeness and reliability of the data. The system can be accessed either on the web portal ( or on the RCETS app which is available for both iPhone and Android phones from the app store.

    Failure to maintain up to date records for greyhounds on the traceability system will impact on future trialling and racing of greyhounds.

    Owners and trainers should continue to notify the Irish Coursing Club of all necessary matters to comply with the relevant statutory requirements.

    Our Traceability Help Desk can be contacted on 061 448120 or by email to


    What is RCÉTS? 

    RCÉTS (Rásaíocht Con Éireann/ Greyhound Racing Ireland Traceability System) is the newly developed traceability system for racing greyhounds. 

    When will it be in operation from? 

    RCÉTS - will be in operation from January 2021. 

    What will it do? 

    It will track a racing greyhound through all life stages including birth, microchipping, registration, racing career, changes of ownership/trainer, location, export, retirement and end of life. 

    Who will be required to maintain the record? 

    All owners/trainers/breeders will be required to maintain an accurate record on the traceability system via an online app of their greyhounds. 

    If I don’t have a smartphone will I still be able to update records? 

    Yes, the system will be available both online and via a Smartphone App. 

    What do I need to do to be ready to use the system? 

    If you are an owner/trainer/breeder you need to check if GRI has an email or phone contact for you on its Racing Management System (RMS). You can do this by emailing or by contacting the Traceability Helpdesk on 061448120. 

    What happens then? 

    In January 2021 GRI will forward log-in details for RCÉTS to each person for whom we have contact details. At that point each person must ensure that records on the system are maintained up to date.  A full “How To” guide will also be released at this time and FAQ help sheet updated. 

    Who do I contact if I have problems using the system? 

    You can contact our help desk by emailing or by contacting the Traceability Helpdesk on 061448120. 

    What happens if I fail to keep up-to-date records? 

    Failure to keep records up to date on RCÉTS will prevent greyhounds being listed for trials or racing. 

    Do I still need to notify the ICC as normal? 

    Maintaining records on RCÉTS does not remove the responsibility of any party to make statutory notification on any matters to the Irish Coursing Club (ICC) as Keepers of the Irish Stud Book.