
    Rásaíocht Con Éireann (RCÉ) / Greyhound Racing Ireland (GRI) provide funding for the treatment of greyhounds which have been injured while racing or participating in Qualifying Trials at RCÉ Licensed stadia through The Injuries at Tracks Recovery Scheme. This scheme is open to all owners and trainers who have incurred veterinary costs in the treatment of greyhounds to repair a *career ending orthopaedic (bone) injury which was sustained while racing or running qualifying Trials at a RCÉ licensed stadium.

    The scheme is in place to minimise the euthanasia of greyhounds injured at race tracks and to enable treated greyhounds to enjoy an active life in retirement within a family setting.

    RCÉ are delighted to announce an expansion to the scheme which will increase the maximum funding from 50% or €500. From October 1st, assistance funding will be set at 75% of the veterinary cost, up to a maximum of €1000 for hock, wrist or long bone injuries, per greyhound.

    An application to The Injuries at Track Recovery Scheme shall be made in the knowledge that the greyhound will be immediately retired from competitive action (trials and races) following its treatment and every effort must be made to find this greyhound a suitable home. This greyhound shall not be used for breeding purposes. Any greyhound that has been treated through the Scheme shall not be sold or given away for other purposes including breeding and racing.

    RCÉ is committed to encouraging responsible greyhound ownership and spreading the message amongst industry patrons that all racing greyhounds shall be treated with care and that after racing each enjoys a happy retirement.

    ‘a career–ending injury is not necessarily life-ending’ and a long & happy retirement is everyone’s goal’

    *Career ending bone injuries may include fractured hocks, fractured long bones, multiple fractures of the metacarpals/metatarsals.

    Further information and application forms are available by clicking here.

    With the welcome news of the expansion of the Track Injuries Support Scheme we chatted with one greyhound trainer Sharon Hunt who recently availed of the scheme.  Sharon talks about her experience with Billy at Limerick Greyhound Stadium.

    If you cannot see the embedded video above, please click here to watch on our Youtube channel.