
    On November 22nd, 2021, pursuant to Article 36 of the Greyhound Industry (Racing) Regulations 2007-2021, the Board of Rásaíocht Con Éireann have directed that it will be a condition of entry at RCÉ Licenced Stadia, that Owners/Trainers must have updated all outstanding records on RCÉTS relating to the greyhounds/pups in his/her care. Failure to do this will result in race entries automatically not being accepted for racing for this owner/trainer until such time as the deficiency is rectified. Once relevant updates are provided, entries will be accepted again.

    Owners/trainers are advised that after 43 days of inactivity of a greyhound/pup, a first notification will issue to the RCÉTS account to update the status of this greyhound/pup. Failure to provide an update for such a greyhound/pup will result in a further second notification to your RCÉTS account 10 days later. Following this notification and in the event of failure to update a third and final notification will issue 10 days later. If no status update is subsequently provided to RCÉTS within a further 10 days, entries will automatically not be accepted for racing from this Owners/Trainer at RCÉ licenced stadia. Additionally, any prizemoney outstanding will not be paid until relevant updates are provided.

    Owners and Trainers are advised they should not wait to receive a notification to update the status of your greyhound/pup.  All relevant updates such as sale, export, loss, theft, retirement, death and change of location should be updated as soon as possible after the event.

    Rásaíocht Con Éireann Traceability System is here. The support of the greyhound community is vital to ensure it is a success. Registered owners & trainers have been issued with log-in details for the new system. Extensive information on how to access and operate RCÉTS is available at grireland.ie/tracehelp

    If you need to check that your details are correct or need further help with RCÉTS, please contact our Traceability Helpdesk.

    EMAIL US ON rcets@grireland.ie