
    Rásaíocht Con Éireann/Greyhound Racing Ireland (RCÉ/GRI) has this week launched 3 new social media channels dedicated to the promotion of Greyhound Sales across Ireland. The launch of these channels forms part of a wider plan to further engage those looking to purchase a greyhound and to generate interest and conversation around sales events.

    The channels will promote all official RCÉ licenced sales events in the Republic of Ireland at both private and RCÉ venues. Content including trials and sales updates, photographs, videos, interviews and reviews will be shared live from the sales events on the day, allowing followers to gain real-time updates on the sales activities.

    This will supplement the coverage already provided on Talking Dogs, where you can continue to find previews and updates as always.

    The first Sales Auction to be featured on the new social media platforms will be this Saturday’s (29th June) scheduled event in Curraheen Park.

    Greyhound Racing fans and prospective buyers can follow the channels for the latest news and updates. For Facebook users, simply enter ‘Greyhound Sales Ireland’ in your search bar and the page should appear. On X (formerly known as Twitter), you’ll find the content on @GreySalesIrl and Instagram users can follow @GreyhoundSalesIreland to keep up to date with the latest content.

    Sales Catalogues and upcoming dates can be found on