
    Greyhound Racing Ireland is delighted to announce that the betting exchange company BETDAQ has donated €15,000 to the Irish Retired Greyhound Trust (IRGT). The IRGT, the designated charity of the greyhound racing industry, is dedicated to the rehoming of greyhounds after their racing careers have concluded. This crucial work is funded through a combination of industry contributions and private fundraising activities and donations.

    Pat Meskell, Veterinary Director, Greyhound Racing Ireland receiving a cheque from Barry Caul of Betdaq for a donation of €15,000 to the Irish Retired Greyhound Trust.  The IRGT is the dedicated charity of GRI and oversees the rehoming of racing greyhounds once they retire from racing.

    Tim Lucey, CEO of Greyhound Racing Ireland, expressed his gratitude, stating, "We greatly appreciate BETDAQ's generous contribution. Over the past 10 years the IRGT has assisted in the rehoming of over 13,500 greyhounds and support from industry partners like BETDAQ is crucial in helping the IRGT to continue their work”.

    The IRGT plays a vital role in the greyhound racing community, helping to ensure that retired greyhounds enjoy a happy and comfortable retirement. The donation from BETDAQ will assist in funding the various programs and initiatives that the IRGT undertakes to facilitate the rehoming process.

    Barry Caul, Trading Risk Executive of BETDAQ commented on the donation, saying, "As an organisation we are proud to be in a position to support the Irish Retired Greyhound Trust and this is in recognition of the valuable work carried out by both their team and volunteers”.  He continued, “From a personal point of view, I see the benefit of the volunteer programme they operate at Shelbourne Park and am delighted that this donation can help to not only support their work but to spread the word of what fabulous pets greyhounds make”.

    Betdaq representatives presented a cheque for €15,000 to the Irish Retired Greyhound Trust on Saturday 8th September in Shelbourne Park Greyhound Stadium.  The donation will go to help to fund rehoming initiatives carried out by the registered charity.

    Photo shows:  L-R:  Paul Smith (IRGT Volunteer IRGT), Enda Kendrick (Betdaq), Barry Coleman (Welfare Manager, Greyhound Racing Ireland) Barry Caul (Betdaq), Pat Meskell (Veterinary Director, Greyhound Racing Ireland) and Brenda Powderly (IRGT Trustee)