Ian Fortune

    Michael Dempsey was the most nervous man in Shelbourne Park on Saturday, perhaps outside the owners and trainers of those with a finalist in the Derby, but the Shelbourne Racing Manager has no need to worry as everything went off without a hitch.

    In fact, he and his team delivered one of the great nights of racing in recent years, culminating with the victory of The Other Kobe in the final of the Boylesports Irish Greyhound Derby itself.

    We caught up with Michael yesterday and he sounded mighty relieved but also proud of how the classic unfolded. He also confirmed this year’s Derby bonus winners.

    Storys Peewee picked up the bonus for the Derby Trial Stake winner to go farthest, while the three remaining bonuses were paid out to finalists. Well Met was the top owner trained greyhound netting John Jones the bonus, while Bockos Crystal was awarded the bonus for top bitch after finishing runner up to The Other Kobe.

    There was also a well-earned bonus for Threesixfive as she was the top syndicate owned greyhound in the classic, finishing fourth.

    Said Dempsey of the Derby itself, “From a racing office point of view it was a very successful renewal of the Boylesports Derby from the very first heat in the opening round to the Final. Everything went like clockwork.

    “The Derby is a magical event and a lot of people put an awful lot of work into making sure it ran smoothly. I’d like to thank each and every one of them for their effort. I would also like to congratulate Jennifer O Donnell and the connections of The Other Koby.

    “There were 156 greyhounds in the Derby at the start and I’d like to thank the connections of all entrants for making the Derby the success it was. And last but certainly not least, a huge thank you to Boylesports for their continued generous sponsorship of this great event.”