
    Rásaíocht Con Éireann  is pleased to announce to Industry Stakeholders that pursuant to Section 5 of the Greyhound Racing Act, S.I. No. 15 of 2019, draft regulations relating to the following areas are now available to view.

    • - Racing Regulations
    • - Licensed Trainer Regulations
    • - Traceability Regulations
    • - Welfare Regulations

    Racing Regulations

    These regulations set out the manner, procedures and rules under which greyhound racing will be conducted at tracks licensed by Rásaíocht Con Éireann/Greyhound Racing Ireland. All previous regulations made by the Board in that connection will be revoked.

    To view the Racing Regulations, click on this link to open the draft document in pdf. 

    Licensed Trainer Regulations

    These regulations set out the rules and procedures under which a person may be granted a trainer’s licence to train greyhounds for reward. The regulations additionally provide for the conditions that apply for the refusal to grant such a licence, its suspension or revocation by Rásaíocht Con Éireann and the duties of a licence holder in respect of regulatory and welfare obligations for greyhounds under their care. All previous regulations made by the Board in that connection will be revoked.

    To view the Licensed Trainer Regulations, click on this link to open the draft document in pdf. 

    Traceability Regulations

    These Regulations set out the manner in which traceability of greyhounds, by way of the provision of information updates on key life events provided to a Database, is managed and operated by Rásaíocht Con Éireann. The regulations provide for what updates are applicable to owners of greyhounds and the manner in which the updates are to be provided to the Rásaíocht Con Éireann Traceability System (RCÉTS).

    To view the Traceability Regulations, click on this link to open the draft document in pdf. 

    Welfare Regulations

    These Regulations set out the requirements in respect of the welfare of racing greyhounds whilst in the care of an owner, breeder or trainer, obligations and powers in respect of situations involving disease or injury to racing greyhounds and provides for the power on the part of Rásaíocht Con Éireann to direct for the collection of levies and monies from greyhound owners for the establishment of and administration of funds for the health and welfare of greyhounds.

    To view the Welfare Regulations, click on this link to open the draft document in pdf. 

    Public Consultation

    In compliance with Section 5 of the Greyhound Racing Act, S.I. No. 15 of 2019, submissions from the public may be made, by email in respect of the following draft regulations.

    Racing Regulations - By email to

    Licensed Trainer Regulations – By email to

    Traceability Regulations – By email to

    Welfare Regulations ­- By email to

    Alternatively, submissions may be sent by post to the following address.

    Public Consultation on Draft Regulations

    Regulation Department

    Rásaíocht Con Éireann/Greyhound Racing Ireland


    Dock Road,


    V94  Y17X

    Public Consultation Period

    The public consultation period for submissions to be received in respect of the above draft regulations is open for one month. All submissions should be received on or before November 6th 2023.

    Rásaíocht Con Éireann
    October 4th 2023