MICHAEL O'SULLIVAN - A night of remembrance

    MICHAEL O'SULLIVAN - A night of remembrance

    MICHAEL O'SULLIVAN - A night of remembrance

    Saturday 9th November will see a memorial race held in honour of Michael O’Sullivan, or ‘The Gyke’ as he was known to many. 

    Michael was a true legend of greyhound racing; a character that one could recite many a tale about!

    When Michael passed away in 2010, just one day short of his 93rd Birthday, he had lived a full life, with a colourful history in our sport as a lasting legacy. Michael was a familiar face to anyone who frequented the old Markets Field, and was no stranger to tracks across the country as well.

    It was on a day off school that a young Michael made his first venture into Greyhound Racing; having cycled into the Markets Field, he found himself bidding on a bitch in the sales auction with the hammer falling on two guineas making him the proud owner of Garryduff Nancy.

    Nancy’s successful career spurred a lifetime of success in the sport. There are many tales and exploits that could be shared through the years, particularly around Michael’s creativity at surmounting obstacles he encountered, including commandeering a hearse to enable him to travel to racing during wartime and petrol scarcities.

    In 2002, Michael was inducted into the Greyhound Racing Hall of Fame and the following year he was honoured by Limerick County VEC for his achievements in the sport.

    Greyhound Racing was not the only sport that Michael excelled at and he had enjoyed great sporting careers on the field in hurling, football and rugby and on the court as a Handball Champion for two years whilst at Rockwell College. 

    Michael was survived by a large family and wide circle of friends and is fondly remembered to this day.