A Chairde,  

    On behalf of Rásaíocht Con Éireann, I want to extend a Happy New Year greeting to all readers and the extended greyhound community  

    I also wish to acknowledge the support of trainers, owners, and all staff of RCE/GRI for their work throughout 2024 in progressing the development of our industry, upholding the highest standards of care for our greyhounds and showcasing the very best of Irish racing to fans at home and abroad.  

    2025 gives cause for optimism regarding activities on and off the track following a successful past 12 months for our sport.  

    The ongoing level of attendances at RCÉ and private racetracks is a well-earned acknowledgement of the hard work of staff and private track operators and is reflective of the energy and initiative being shown by everyone across the organisation, as well as the popularity of greyhound racing amongst the public.   

    The greyhound industry supports considerable employment directly and indirectly down through the supply chain, and it is an important way of life for greyhound owners around the country. For stakeholders in the sector, it is an important economic and social activity.  

    In my role as CEO, I am committed to proactively promoting and further enhancing the profile of our sport and consolidating a successful, commercial greyhound racing industry that is built on a consumer-focused and high-quality entertainment product, which meets the highest possible international regulatory and welfare standards.  

    RCÉ, with government support through the Horse and Greyhound Racing Fund, will continue to further enhance and expand its range of care and welfare initiatives.  

    During 2025, RCÉ will build on the success of the redevelopment of Shelbourne Park Stadium as a showcase for our industry across the country and to our global audience, while also continuing to ensure that all stadia and racing product combined offer the best for participants and customers.

    We will also seek to enhance new sponsorship opportunities that invest money back into our greyhound communities, and maintain the expansive online and television coverage of Irish greyhound racing provided by our media partners so as to provide us with a national and international platform from which we can continue to further expand the reach of our sport.  

    With continued support from our Board, the Department and other key stakeholders, RCÉ will invest in the sport we love and to grow our positive relationship with the wider greyhound racing community across Ireland.  

    Le meas,  

    Tim Lucey 


    Rásaíocht Con Éireann