
    RCÉTS at present, facilitates owners and trainers with options regarding the notification in changes of ownership, export, sale, death, loss, retirement of a greyhound and the provision of a routine status that a greyhound is still at the kennels in the event it may not have been active in race or trail events for a period of time. The additional enhancement now facilitates the update of a change of location where a greyhounds location needs to be amended.


    If the update is not already available on mobile apps owners/trainers should now download the updated app from the app store (iPhones) or on the Google Play Store (Android phones) so that they can access the additional option.  Rásaíocht Con Éireann (RCÉ) also would request all owners to provide updates at this point in relation to racing greyhounds/pups under their care. The update is also available via the RCÉTS.ie website. 


    To date entries have not been accepted from 157 owners/trainers due to incomplete traceability being provided to RCÉTS  and Rásaíocht Con Éireann (RCÉ) wish to advise that as part of its commitment to the success of the Traceability project a greater level of focus in this area and in the area of  inspections will be undertaken in the coming months.


    Update Friday 27th August 2021. 
