Primary Parents Grandparents Great-Grandparents
Keeper My Boy
Droopys Woods
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view racing information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Top Honcho
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Head Honcho
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Rainbow High
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Droopys Fergie
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Manx Treasure
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Star Approach
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Bingo Ro
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view racing information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Jamella Prince
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Malawis Prince
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Bindari Fox
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Timber Toes
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Batties Whisper
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
Glynn Gold
Click here to view pedigree information for this dog. Click here to view a Litters Report this sire.  
* Sires are displayed at the top of each generation.  

Litter Finish Distribution:

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
10 8 12 4 10 8

Breeding data provided courtesy of the Irish Coursing Club