National Grading System Rules & Tables

    This section contains detailed information on grading and all associated rules, distance tables etc.  The information is contained in sections:

    Briefing on the Novice Greyhound Racing Structure December 2022

    Briefing on amendments to National Grading System Rules 27th August 2018

    Procedure for the Equal Distrubution of Seeding Categories - February 2021

    Grading Tables 

    Below are the bands for the Standard 525 yard Distance. The comprehensive grading tables for all the Sprint, Middle Distance, Novice and Long Distancecan be viewed and downloaded in the link below.

     Click Here to download the National Grading System Rules & Tables December 15th 2022

    Standard Bands - 525

    AA0/Open <=28.49
    A0/Mini-Open 28.50 – 28.69
    A1 28.70 - 28.89
    A2 28.90 - 29.09
    A3 29.10 - 29.29
    A4 29.30 - 29.49
    A5 29.50 - 29.69
    A6 29.70 - 29.89
    A7 29.90 - 30.09
    A8 30.10 - 30.29
    A9 30.30 - 30.49
    A10 30.50 - 30.70


    Qualifying Rules

    Novice Greyhound

    A Novice (unraced) greyhound must be qualified over the Distance which the greyhound is nominated to race over i.e. Sprint Distances or 525.

    Novice greyhounds must have completed two qualifying trials to be accepted for racing (U.K. Trial Form accepted). However, greyhounds will only have to better or equal qualifying time in one of these trials to be deemed eligible for racing. Maximum number of greyhounds in a trial featuring novice greyhounds to be three.

    A Novice greyhound that is out of time and has previously qualified over 525 is allowed to re-qualify over the Sprint or 525 Distances.

    A Novice greyhound only qualified over the Sprint Distance can only race in a Sprint. He must qualify over 525 to race over 525

    A Novice greyhound can enter an OPEN(ON1, ON2, ON3, SO, SSO, AO, AAO) race or event without having completed a trial at the host track. Novice events to be run in accordance with the Rásaíocht Con Éireann structure for Novice Greyhound Racing as set out here in Briefing on the Novice Greyhound Racing Structure December 2022

    Raced Greyhound

    A raced greyhound running an ‘out of time’ trial must achieve qualifying time over the trial Distance. He can re-trial over any Distance and can finish in any position (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th) before he is accepted for racing.

    A greyhound that has raced over the Middle Distance and wishes to qualify over the Sprint Distance may do so by running a trial over the Sprint Distance within the qualifying time (a solo trial will suffice).The same rule will apply to a greyhound that has raced over the Sprint Distance only and wishes to qualify over the Middle Distance.

    In the event of a Novice or Raced greyhound failing to complete a Race or an Official Qualifying Trial (DNF) then the greyhound must successfully complete an Official Qualifying Trial over the Sprint or 525 Distance before the greyhound can be accepted for racing.

    Promotions in Grade

    Novice Greyhound

    A novice greyhound will be placed one grade lower than his time suggests on conclusion of his first race (trial times included) e.g. a greyhound achieving A5 time will be lowered to A6. In the case of a Novice greyhound doing Open (AAO) time in his first race he is back graded to Mini-Open (AO).

    A novice greyhound on completion of his first race that runs a trial(s) prior to his second race, will be lowered a grade from highest grade achieved (trial times are taken into account)


    Raced Greyhound

    A raced greyhound (second & subsequent races) will advance to the grade equal to the time achieved (winning or estimated) e.g. if greyhounds achieve A1 time over the Middle Distance then the greyhounds will advance to S1/A1 Grade. 


    Sprint Correlation

    There is a direct correlation between grades ‘S’ and ‘A’ up to and including grade ’S3’ and ‘A3’.

    A greyhound achieving a Sprint time in excess of S3 will only advance to grade A3 over the standard classification if the greyhound has not previously recorded a better time than A3 Grade.

    A novice greyhound that runs its first race over the Sprint Distance will be allotted an ‘S’ grade and an ‘A’ grade (if qualified over the 525 Distance).

    A novice achieving Open (SSO) time in its first race/trial, or a trial after its first race, will be lowered to Mini-Open grade (SO) over the Sprint category and to grade ‘A3’ over the standard classification. This applies for all Novice greyhounds achieving in excess of S3 time in first race/trial or trial after its first race which have not previously recorded a better time than A3 Grade i.e. such greyhounds will not be lowered from A3 to A4 for their second race.


    Back Grading– Sprint and Middle Distances

    A novice greyhound’s first race is not counted as part of the back grading series of races (the greyhound must run three races excluding his first race).

    A greyhound will only be back graded on completion of three consecutive unsuccessful races in a row over Sprint or Middle Distances. The greyhound will be lowered one grade from its current Grade on completion of this three race cycle.

    A greyhound competing in Sprint and Middle Distance races will break the three race cycle for back grading purposes if the greyhound races over a different category of Distance (Sprint or Middle Distances only) i.e. if a greyhound runs two consecutive unsuccessful races over 525 and the greyhound then runs a Sprint this will nullify the three race cycle for back grading purposes over Middle Distances. The same rule applies to the Sprint (S) category.

    A Greyhound competing in the Hurdle category or in the Long Distance category will not nullify the three race cycle for back grading purposes over Sprint or Middle Distances.

    Back Grading – For Grades S3/A3 and for Grades better than S3/A3

    1) Greyhounds of Grade S3/A3 to Grade S9/A9 - Greyhounds will be back graded over both the ‘S’ and ‘A’ Grade when they have run three consecutive unsuccessful races in a row over the same category of Distance i.e. when they have run three consecutive unsuccessful races in a row over Sprint Distances or when they have run three consecutive unsuccessful races in a row over Middle Distances, e.g. a greyhound which is S3/A3 will be back graded to S4/A4 if it runs three consecutive unsuccessful races in a row over Sprint Distances or if it runs three consecutive unsuccessful races in a row over Middle Distances. A greyhound running a trial within this sequence of races is still eligible for back grading

    2) Greyhounds of Grade S2 to SO and Greyhounds of Grade A2 to AO-  A greyhound will only be back graded over a category of Distance (i.e. either ‘S’ or ‘A’) when it has run three consecutive unsuccessful races in a row over that category of Distance i.e. a greyhound will only be back graded over Sprint Distances when the greyhound has run three consecutive unsuccessful races in a row over Sprint Distances and the greyhound will only be back graded over Middle Distances when the greyhound has run three consecutive unsuccessful races in a row over Middle Distance, e.g. a greyhound which is S1/A1 will be back graded to S2/A1 if it runs three consecutive unsuccessful races in a row over Sprint Distances and will be back graded to S1/A2 if it runs three consecutive unsuccessful races in a row over Middle Distances.  A greyhound running a trial within this sequence of races is still eligible for back grading.

    3) Greyhounds of Grade SSO and Greyhounds of Grade AAO- Greyhounds will only be back graded over a category of Distance (‘S’ or ‘A’) under the following conditions:
    (1) It must have ran three consecutive unsuccessful races in a row over the same category of Distance and will only be back graded over that category of Distance (i.e. Sprint or Middle Distance)
    (2) It must not have recorded SS0 or AAO time in any of the three consecutive unsuccessful races

    (3) Recording an SSO or AAO time in a trial between races will reset the three race cycle over both categories of Distance (‘S’ or ‘A’).


    Hurdle Classification

    A greyhound running a hurdle trial will be assigned a hurdle grade based on the hurdle table.

    A hurdle greyhound will not receive a drop in grade on completion of his first race.

    A hurdle greyhound will be back graded when it runs three consecutive unsuccessful races over Hurdles

    Racing over another category of Distance will not break the back grading sequence.

    A greyhound running an ‘out of time trial’ over the hurdle category must run his next race over hurdles. A hurdle trial will not bring a greyhound back in time to race over the flat. A flat trial will qualify a greyhound to race over the hurdles if previously qualified over the hurdles.


    Grading Over Distances Greater than 620 Yards

    A greyhound must compete in a novice long Distance race/event based on his ‘A’ grade before he is assigned a long Distance grade.

    On completion of his first long Distance race, he is then assigned a grade based on the time achieved.

    A greyhound can enter an OPEN (DDO) long Distance event without competing in a novice race/event.

    The grade achieved in the long Distance category will not impact on the grade achieved over other classifications.

    Racing over the long Distance category will not nullify a back grading sequence of races over a different grading classification.

    A greyhound will not be dropped a grade on completion of his first long Distance race.

    A greyhound running a long Distance trial before he has raced over the long Distance category will not be assigned a grade.

    A greyhound will be back graded when it runs three consecutive unsuccessful races over Distance races  


    A greyhound withdrawn from a race without an ACCEPTABLE explanation to the relevant Racing Officer will incur the following sanctions:

    1.  It will be withdrawn from racing for 30 days.

    2.  It will be required to run fitness to race trial over the standard Distance unless it was entered for a lesser Distance in which case the trial can be over the lesser Distance.

    A greyhound listed to race on a race card, which has been entered by the owner or trainer, and subsequently does not run will be prohibited from being listed on a subsequent race card for a period of 7 days save where the greyhound has been withdrawn by the Stewards.

    Sweepstakes – For Greyhounds which have ran a minimum of two races

    CONFINED EVENTS – A sweep that is confined by grade will take into account a greyhound’s complete grade history. He must not have achieved a higher grade at any time during his career

    CURRENT GRADE EVENT – This event accepts greyhounds with a current grade equivalent to the advertised sweep grade. It is also called a ‘back graders sweep’. A greyhound’s past performances are not taken into account to determine eligibility.


    (All greyhounds partaking in Graded Sweepstakes must have raced at least two races)


    All raced greyhounds are eligible for seeding. Novice greyhounds may be seeded pursuant to amendments introduced in May 2019. See Briefing Regulatory Notice Regarding Changes to Seeding Arrangements.


    English/International Form

    U.K. entries for specified events may be facilitated pursuant the agreement with the Greyhound Board of Great Britain (G.B.G.B.) where Special Authority for such events are issued.

    UK/International Form must be procured and updated on the Irish Identity Card by Rásaíocht Con Éireann’s Regulation Department before such greyhounds are accepted for trials or racing in Ireland.

    This provision will not apply to UK trained greyhounds competing in events, with Special Authority granted by the Greyhound Board of Great Britain (G.B.G.B.).

    Graded UK Greyhounds: Greyhounds arriving from the U.K. or any other racing jurisdiction will have to successfully complete at least two official qualifying trials, over the Distance that it is intended to race the greyhound in Ireland before being accepted for racing. In the case where it is intended to race over long Distance races, two trials over the 525 yards Distance will suffice. 

    Open class greyhounds (AAO and AO, SSO and SO, DDO and DO and HO) will be exempted from this provision when the greyhounds’ last line of form is within 42 days from its proposed race in Ireland.

    The setting of the appropriate grade of a greyhound with overseas form will be established by the Regulation Department in consultation with the Racing Management at the relevant race track.

    December 2022

    Click Here to download the Grading Bands tables

    Middle Distance Grading Bands










    28.50 - 28.69

    27.15 - 27.34

    29.85 - 30.04

    30.93 -31.12

    31.20 - 31.39

    32.55 - 32.74

    33.63 - 33.82


    28.70 - 28.89

    27.35 - 27.54

    30.05 - 30.24

    31.13 - 31.32

    31.40 - 31.59

    32.75 - 32.94

    33.83 - 34.02


    28.90 - 29.09

    27.55 - 27.74

    30.25 - 30.44

    31.33 - 31.52

    31.60 - 31.79

    32.95 - 33.14

    34.03 - 34.22


    29.10 - 29.29

    27.75 - 27.94

    30.45 - 30.64

    31.53 - 31.72

    31.80 - 31.99

    33.15 - 33.34

    34.23 - 34.42


    29.30 - 29.49

    27.95 - 28.14

    30.65 - 30.84

    31.73 - 31.92

    32.00 - 32.19

    33.35 - 33.54

    34.43 - 34.62


    29.50 - 29.69

    28.15 - 28.34

    30.85 - 31.04

    31.93 - 32.12

    32.20 - 32.39

    33.55 - 33.74

    34.63 - 34.82


    29.70 - 29.89

    28.35 - 28.54

    31.05 - 31.24

    32.13 - 32.32

    32.40 - 32.59

    33.75 - 33.94

    34.83 - 35.02


    29.90 - 30.09

    28.55 - 28.74

    31.25 - 31.44

    32.33 - 32.52

    32.60 - 32.79

    33.95 - 34.14

    35.03 - 35.22


    30.10 - 30.29

    28.75 - 28.94

    31.45 - 31.64

    32.53 - 32.72

    32.80 - 32.99

    34.15 - 34.34

    35.23 - 35.42


    30.30 - 30.49

    28.95 - 29.14

    31.65 - 31.84

    32.73 - 32.92

    33.00 - 33.19

    34.35 - 34.54

    35.43 - 35.62


    30.50 - 30.70

    29.15 - 29.35

    31.85 - 32.05

    32.93 - 33.13

    33.20 - 33.40

    34.55 - 34.75

    35.63 - 35.83


    Sprint Distance Grading Bands












    16.20 - 16.29

    17.50 - 17.59

    17.76 - 17.85

    18.02 - 18.11

    18.80 - 18.89

    19.32 - 19.41

    20.10 - 20.19

    21.40 - 21.49

    21.92 - 22.01


    16.30 - 16.39

    17.60 - 17.69

    17.86 - 17.95

    18.12 - 18.21

    18.90 - 18.99

    19.42 - 19.51

    20.20 - 20.29

    21.50 - 21.59

    22.02 - 22.11


    16.40 - 16.49

    17.70 - 17.79

    17.96 - 18.05

    18.22 - 18.31

    19.00 - 19.09

    19.52 - 19.61

    20.30 - 20.39

    21.60 - 21.69

    22.12 - 22.21


    16.50 - 16.59

    17.80 - 17.89

    18.06 - 18.15

    18.32 - 18.41

    19.10 - 19.19

    19.62 - 19.71

    20.40 - 20.49

    21.70 - 21.79

    22.22 - 22.31


    16.60 - 16.69

    17.90 - 17.99

    18.16 - 18.25

    18.42 - 18.51

    19.20 - 19.29

    19.72 - 19.81

    20.50 - 20.59

    21.80 - 21.89

    22.32 - 22.41


    16.70 - 16.79

    18.00 - 18.09

    18.26 - 18.35

    18.52 - 18.61

    19.30 - 19.39

    19.82 - 19.91

    20.60 - 20.69

    21.90 - 21.99

    22.42 - 22.51


    16.80 - 16.89

    18.10 - 18.19

    18.36 - 18.45

    18.62 - 18.71

    19.40 - 19.49

    19.92 - 20.01

    20.70 - 20.79

    22.00 - 22.09

    22.52 - 22.61


    16.90 - 16.99

    18.20 - 18.29

    18.46 - 18.55

    18.72 - 18.81

    19.50 - 19.59

    20.02 - 20.11

    20.80 - 20.89

    22.10 - 22.19

    22.62 - 22.71


    17.00 - 17.09

    18.30 - 18.39

    18.56 - 18.65

    18.82 - 18.91

    19.60 - 19.69

    20.12 - 20.21

    20.90 - 20.99

    22.20 - 22.29

    22.72 - 22.81


    17.10 - 17.29

    18.40 - 18.59

    18.66 - 18.85

    18.92 - 19.11

    19.70 - 19.89

    20.22 - 20.41

    21.00 - 21.19

    22.30 - 22.49

    22.82 - 23.01


    17.30 - 17.50

    18.60 - 18.80

    18.86 - 19.06

    19.12 - 19.32

    19.90 - 20.10

    20.42 - 20.62

    21.20 - 21.40

    22.50 - 22.70

    23.02 - 23.22


    Long Distance Grading Bands











    39.00 - 39.19

    42.00 - 42.19

    45.30 - 45.49

    45.60 - 45.79

    46.80 - 46.99

    47.70 - 47.89

    48.00 - 48.19

    57.60 - 57.79


    39.20 - 39.39

    42.20 - 42.39

    45.50 - 45.69

    45.80 - 45.99

    47.00 - 47.19

    47.90 - 48.09

    48.20 - 48.39

    57.80 - 57.99


    39.40 - 39.69

    42.40 - 42.69

    45.70 - 45.99

    46.00 - 46.29

    47.20 - 47.49

    48.10 - 48.39

    48.40 - 48.69

    58.00 - 58.29


    39.70 - 39.99

    42.70 - 42.99

    46.00 - 46.29

    46.30 - 46.59

    47.50 - 47.79

    48.40 - 48.69

    48.70 - 48.99

    58.30 - 58.59


    40.00 - 40.29

    43.00 - 43.29

    46.30 - 46.59

    46.60 - 46.89

    47.80 - 48.09

    48.70 - 48.99

    49.00 - 49.29

    58.60 - 58.89


    40.30 - 40.59

    43.30 - 43.59

    46.60 - 46.89

    46.90 - 47.19

    48.10 - 48.39

    49.00 - 49.29

    49.30 - 49.59

    58.90 - 59.19


    40.60 - 40.89

    43.60 - 43.89

    46.90 - 47.19

    47.20 - 47.49

    48.40 - 48.69

    49.30 - 49.59

    49.60 - 49.89

    59.20 - 59.49


    40.90 - 41.19

    43.90 - 44.19

    47.20 - 47.49

    47.50 - 47.79

    48.70 - 48.99

    49.60 - 49.89

    49.90 - 50.09

    59.50 - 59.79


    41.20 - 41.50

    44.20 - 44.50

    47.50 - 47.80

    47.80 - 48.10

    49.00 - 49.30

    49.90 - 50.20

    50.10 - 50.40

    59.80 - 60.10


    Hurdle Grading Bands







    16.70 - 16.89

    29.50 - 29.89

    30.80 - 31.19

    32.10 - 32.49


    16.90 - 16.99

    29.90 - 30.19

    31.20 - 31.49

    32.50 - 32.79


    17.00 - 17.29

    30.20 - 30.49

    31.50 - 31.79

    32.80 - 33.09


    17.30 - 18.70

    30.50 - 32.00

    31.80 - 33.30

    33.10 - 34.60


    Novice Grading Bands






































    Novice Correlation Table

    A time finding maximum limit of 1.2 seconds on previous best form (over middle distance or equivalent sprint distance) applies for Novice events run over 525 and maximum limit of 0.6 seconds on previous best form (over sprint distance or equivalent middle distance) applies for Novice Events run over Sprint distance. For Sprint and Middle Distance correlations click here.


    Track Ratings 

    As part of the ongoing review of Track Ratings on a national basis, Rásaíocht Con Éireann  has recently reviewed the track ratings applied to licensed Stadia under normal conditions. The most recent review (below) included a detailed analysis of win times at licensed stadia and recognises track circuit project work undertaken in 2022 has significantly improved track going at some stadia. 

    Click Here to download the new track ratings.


     Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5 


    -0.05 Slow

    -0.10 Slow

    -0.20 Slow

    -0.20 Slow




    0.10 Slow

    -0.20 Slow

    -0.40 Slow

    -0.80 Slow









    ≤ 800 Yards


    0.10 Slow

    -0.25 Slow

    -0.50 Slow

    -1.0 Slow


    > 800 Yards


    -0.15 Slow

    -0.30 Slow

    -0.60 Slow

    -1.20 Slow






































    Going rates are levied from Shelbourne Park going which is set at Normal (Sand).


    The proposed Track Ratings do not affect the authority of the Stewards of a Meeting to rate a track according to weather and surface conditions experienced at a particular Meeting.


    The above Track Ratings will take effect from and including January 1st, 2023.



    Rásaíocht Con Éireann

    December 2022