IRGT Educational Videos

    The Irish Retired Greyhound Trust (IRGT) was established in 1997 and since then many thousands of retired Irish Greyhounds have been rehomed through, or with the support of, the IRGT.

    Over the coming months, we're launching a new video every Wednesday in our #GreyhoundWednesdayWisdom series to help you learn more about greyounds and prepare to welcome a retired greyhound as a family pet.

    We've worked with Vets and professionals in the animal healthcare world to bring you information you can trust and the videos will include helpful information on all aspects of your greyhounds health and wellbeing

    Check back weekly as we add more.

    Part 1: IRGT Introduction

    In this video, Part 1 of the series, we will introduce you to the IRGT, what they do and how they can help you to either rehome your retired greyhound or welcome a retired greyhound as a pet into your family home.

    If you cannot see the embedded video above, click here to watch on Youtube.

    Part 2: What to expect when expecting a retired Greyhound

    In this video, we are joined by Elizabeth Gray MVB MRCVS, a Veterinary Surgeon in Limerick.

    Elizabeth is sharing tips for those of you who are preparing to welcome a retired racing Greyhound into your family and helping to answer some questions you might have about their care, including bedding, food & treats and exercise. 

    If you cannot see the embedded video above, click here to watch on Youtube. 

    Part 3: Your Greyhound's General Health & How to Check

    In this video, we are again joined by Elizabeth Gray MVB MRCVS, a Veterinary Surgeon in Limerick.

    Elizabeth, with the help of retired greyhound Romeo,  shows you how, by sight and feel, you can check some important indicators of your greyhound's overall health, including weight, checking eyes, ears and nose and dental health. 

    If you cannot see the embedded video above, click here to watch on Youtube. 

    Part 4 - Your Greyhound's Feet, Skin & Joints & Signs of Illness

    Vet Elizabeth Gray is back with retired greyhound Romeo to help you learn about your greyhound's general health. She takes you through some important tips for your greyhound's health and well-being, including:
    - Checking your greyhound's feet (paws) for any problems & tips for cutting their nails
    - Your greyhound's skin health and what to look out for - Joints - making sure your greyhound has healthy joints
    - Signs that it's time to call the Vet

    If you cannot see the embedded player above, click here to watch on Youtube.

    Part 5 - Preparing your Home

    In this video, Part 5 of the Irish Retired Greyhound Trust's #GreyhoundWednesdayWisdom​​ series, they are joined by Lauren Popiolek, a Veterinary Surgeon and Veterinary Technical Advisor.

    Lauren has some very helpful tips on preparing your home for your retired greyhound, including:

    - How to make your home and garden safer

    - Establishing your greyhound's space

    - Helpful tips for floor surfaces, mirrors & glass

    - Toys and stimulation for your greyhound

    - Understanding their body language

    If you cannot see the embedded video above, click here to watch on Youtube. 

    Part 6 - The Day you bring your Retired Greyhound home

    If you cannot see the embedded video above, click here to watch on Youtube. 

    Part 7 - Treat & Train Techniques

    Lauren has some helpful tips on treat & train techniques to help with positive reinforcement when training. This includes help with the stairs and toilet training and introducing a new name (if you've renamed your greyhound).

    If you cannot see the embedded video above, click here to watch on our Youtube channel. 

    Part 8 - Managing Seperation Anxiety

    If you cannot see the embedded player above, click here to watch on our Youtube channel.

    Part 9 - Greyhound Nutrition


    If you cannot see the embedded player above, click here to watch on our Youtube channel.

    Part 10 - Greyhound Vaccinations

    In this video, Part 10 of the IRGT #GreyhoundWednesdayWisdom​​ series, Helena Madden MVB MRCVS, a Veterinary Surgeon and Companion Animal Technician, offers advice on Greyhound Vaccinations.

    Helena offers some very helpful advice and answers questions you might have such as:

    - Why vaccinations are important for your greyhound?

    - What are the main vaccinations a greyhound receives?

    - Why do you need booster vaccinations?

    If you cannot see the embedded video above, click here to watch on Youtube.

    Part 11 - Parasite Prevention & Treatment

    In this video, Part 11 of the IRGT #GreyhoundWednesdayWisdom​​ series, Helena Madden MVB MRCVS, a Veterinary Surgeon and Companion Animal Technician, offers advice on Parasite Prevention and Treatment.

    Helena explains why regular parasite prevention and treatment is important for all dogs, including greyhounds. She explains some of the most important external and internal parasites to look out for and how to prevent them.

    - Fleas - how to look for them and manage an outbreak

    - Ticks - what they look like and where to find them

    - Mites - these tend to not be visible so Helena explains how you might know your dog has them

    - Worms - the different types of worms and how often to treat against them

    ***Please note that this video contains stock footage of parasites for demonstration purposes. This footage is not of the greyhound shown in this video. ***

    If you cannot see the embedded video above, click here to watch on our Youtube channel. 

    Part 12 - Greyhound Care Centre

    In the final installment of the series, it's time to reintroduce you to the Greyhound Care Centre which launched last October. 

    If you cannot see the embedded video above, click here to watch. 

    Part 13 - Greyhound Digestive Health Part 1

    Join Tommy The Vet , as he explains a little more about a greyhound’s digestive system so that you can understand what’s going on inside your pet Greyhound!

    If you cannot see the embedded video above, click here to watch on our Youtube channel. 

    Part 14 - Greyhound Digestive Health Part 2

    In this part, Tommy The Vet continues to explain the greyhound’s digestive system so that you can understand what’s going on inside your pet Greyhound - this week he introduces you to symptoms and signs to help you know when their tummy is upset!

    If you cannot see the embedded video above, click here to watch on our Youtube channel. 


    Part 15 - Greyhound Digestive Health Part 3

    In this part, Tommy The Vet talks about supplements and how they help your greyhound’s digestive system so that you can understand what’s going on inside your pet Greyhound!