Irish Greyhound Board rebrands to Rásaíocht Con Éireann / Greyhound Racing Ireland (GRI)

    Irish Greyhound Board rebrands to Rásaíocht Con Éireann / Greyhound Racing Ireland (GRI)


    1st October 2020

    This sport of ours is thrilling.
    Edge of the seat. A rush from the second the traps open.
    It's always been that way.
    Part of what makes us what we are.
    The coming together of communities on the track.
    The retired trainer walking his dogs down our street.
    The fundraising, the charity, the simple reason to meet.
    The hundreds of years of tradition that forms our sport.
    The generations of families brought together by their love of the dogs.
    We stand for all that is good about our sport.
    Greyhound Racing Ireland - Because this runs deep

    Rásaíocht Con Éireann / Greyhound Racing Ireland (GRI) -  (formally known as The Irish Greyhound Board (IGB) - Bord na gCon) - is a commercial semi-state body which is responsible for the control and development of the greyhound industry in the Republic of Ireland.

    Read our official press release